ok, I deleted a bunch of comments and turned on "word verification" maybe I'll stop getting spammed...
I look at the J-log aggregator sites and I'm wondering why people are all about politics all the time. I love a good political discussion but what i want to know is what people are thinking about their own lives and their daily experience...
It's the problem with politics as a whole, people see each other as issues rather than having to confront the individual lives that each issue effects. With the amazing amounts of connectivity available these days people just erect the same shells around themselves that they've always erected; it just blows my mind. Instead of trying to put ones self out there for an in depth understanding of the issues of day to day life, people write rants about politics... How are people supposed to unite when no one wants to be known?
Engage them in conversation and see what happens.
That is, ask them in their comments about their feelings.
I see your point, but when someone's writing about the political situation in Israel it's hard to segue to "so what did you do today?" "what kind of relationships are you in right now?" I guess I wish there was more talk about day-to-day life issues and less about the :big" things that mankind has to solve that really aren't going to get solved on a blog... I just wonder how yet another post on how the palestinians hate us is going to change the world
I think for lots of people it's easier to talk about big things that they can do nothing about than to focus on little day to day life's so much easier to talk about things you can't fix than actually deal with the things that you can...
And complaining is just so much more fun..or something.