New Loves
My new loves for the week (numbers do not imply importance, only the vagaries of memory)
1. Regina Spektor
Finally a cure for my Fiona Apple withdrawal
I wonder if she's related to this Spektor
2. Making shabbos dinner
Now I get it... Anyone wanna climb 11 floors?
3. My closet
They finished the renovations on the pipe now I have space again
4. Pirkei Avos
Why i've been feeling like crap lately:
"Rabbi Meir (mai-eer) said, lessen your business activities and engage in Torah study. Be humble of spirit before every person. If you have wasted time from Torah study, you will be given many causes to neglect it. And if you have exerted yourself in Torah study, G-d has much reward to give you." - Thank you Moshe
5. Alexander McCall Smith's "The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency"
More reading, more thinking, makes Naftali a content boy.
Regina Spektor has been on my wish list for months, she is awesome, AND she's Russian AND she's Jewish. So yea.
I'll gladly come for dinner. :)