Today my clothes are worn
The 1st of Av begins the nine days
I'm not the first to say
that though I feel disconnected from those events
I wish I didn't
or more exactly I wish that I wish that I didn't
I read accounts like this
and am scared and awed by the fanaticism or dedication
(depending upon how you look at it
It is a thin line that separates the righteous and the insane
Avraham Avinu nearly sacrificing his son is exalted
While those that passed their children through fire are cursed.
Without a way to know if righteous indignation is l'shaim shamayim
we must sit down with our own bar kamtzas and have a kumbaya session
because we may be ruining our chances
at rebuilding the Temple in our own lives
Fanaticism aside, I for one know there has been a divorce between my emotions and my religion, and I don't like it one bit.