when asked, "are you ready?"
my answer is no
I have so much trouble,
in moments of dispair,
having bitachon and yiras H'.
I can't do "it" yet;
I reach out for my friends
and fall into old patterns
instead of embracing convictions and logic that,
in moments of hope,
I profess belief in.
I'm not ready
but I wish I was
Well..if the first step is admitting you have a problem, then you're a whole lot better than the rest of us...
I think the guy on the left is schluffing.
Leaning on your friends is how we all get through. Don't worry about it.
After all, our sages said in Pirkei Avos: acquire for yourself a friend. Obviously, the idea that friends can uplift each other is a Jewish idea, and a strength between them - not a weakness.
Wow, ATD, I think you're right!
Oh wait...they all have their eyes closed. Perhaps they're saying Shema?