Convert fatigue
Thoughts at the Israeli embassy.
I feel an obligation to prove myself,
have JEW writ in large letters across my chest.
in the months leading up to actually being Jewish,
I tried to "out-Jew" the world (religiously).
But now that I am
I wonder when I'll just feel it.
Ruth said your people are my people first
when's my turn
The Ghanaian embassy is next door
I felt the same way there
generations screaming that I've abandoned
my place, my stool
who are my people again?
Good point. I guess it takes time to "feel it".
I was accused of being a "secular humanist who believes in nothing" today at breakfast in the sukkah. Later I wondered just why I felt so deeply insulted by that...
ha, Dan if it makes you feel any better I've always known you were a heretic ;)
Did hakafot in on the city square today, hundreds of people in a random Israeli town, dancing to music with Torah, well into the night - girls and boys, separately:
Lots of sweaty palms and shoulders, much happiness, orange flags, and the echoes of Gush Katif all too obvious to all.
I'm gonna miss you dude :(