Suggiyah #1 done
Oh wait,
did I say "done"
I meant suggiah one
In other news,
my laptop is kaput,
so if I haven't emailed you
it's because I hate using
the thing that my yeshiva
calls a computer lab
Oh wait,
did I say "done"
I meant suggiah one
In other news,
my laptop is kaput,
so if I haven't emailed you
it's because I hate using
the thing that my yeshiva
calls a computer lab
What's wrong with the laptop? Are you getting it fixed?
you killed ANOTHER laptop? oi look you still drawing buildings ;p
what do you MEAN you're lappy is 'kaput'? tsk tsk. i TOLD you not to play futbol w/ it...
D'oh does that mean we are not getting the shabbos d'var torah???
Say what???
I hope you made all those backups before you left.
yeah no, dvar torah... went to tel aviv today to try and fix it... but no dice. I'm not sure I have the money for fixin'
till then I'm going to try and get the lab admin to put gimp on the linux machines so I can edit pictures and I guess that'll have to do
Hey Nigel,
I did not read your article, but I just found out about your website and I wanted to say hi and I hope that Israel is great and you are learning up a storm. I cannot wait to hear from you, and just hear how everything is going. Your good bud/former chevrusa,
'ello craig
You rock... remember how you randomly chose kiddushin to start learning; well it's coming in handy here because we're learning ketubos here and it refers to kiddushin constantly. Thanks...
the laptop (G-d willing) is suffering from a bug in apple's video card/lcd interface design that kills the computer... but it's an acknowledged bug that they pay for when found so here's to hoping my tech finds the cheaper option.
I think it's so romantic that you and your beloved laptop got sick at the same time.