hilarity of hilarities, the cross cultural edition
How can you not find this cute...
If only all of life was "Arranged" this way...
I actually liked the movie, not the best acting or production I've ever seen but it was restrained enough that it didn't come off as preachy.
Which lead me to this test. Take it, even if you're married, take it! I'm not quite sure what the purpose of the site is, but I'm glad it's there. I had a longer post about the shidduch "crisis" but upon further review I'm gonna hold off on that...
Labels: sfashkenaz, shidduch
Oh N.. hold off on that-- like indefinitely. There are so many rants and raves on this topic, and personally, I don't need or want to hear any more discussion of what is wrong. I want and need to hear what is right and good and positive. Give me hope instead of telling me to despair because it's a desperate situation....