curiosity killed the cat or how google wrecked my early night
So I'm minding my own business, reading articles and listening to my favorite news podcasts during the last hours of the day in an effort to slow down and get to sleep, when I hear the commentator refer to the outfits that the men and women of the polygamous sect that's been in the news lately wear...
This is where I should have told myself to step away from the computer...
It took a while to figure it out, but the "fashionable in the 1800's" style that the rogue sect are sporting is referred to as either pioneer or "prairie style" clothing. And it's not just unfashionable and extremely tznius, the clothes are also woven with special religious stitching; interesting...
Again, I could have gone to sleep at this point; but no I couldn't...
Because Mormons have a fascinating tradition regarding clothing: They wear special undergarments to "remind Smith's priesthood brethren of their sacred oaths - especially oaths of secrecy regarding the plural marriage doctrine."
And then wikipedia grabbed me and held me captive with its insightful and interesting lay-written articles:
Did you know sherlock holmes was Anti-Mormon?
Which made me wonder, is there a "Dat Yehudit" for men? Never read anything about it, but then again I've never looked.
So what did I do after reading all this stuff and going way past my bed time? Write about it here *sigh*
Good night, and be well