never knew that the word vesper applied to bats

I'm downtown, stewing with righteous indignation at the fact that the government is going to throw a party/concert for Yom Haatzmaut that I can't attend, when I notice something. In the light of the spotlights for the even that they were testing above me it seemed like someone was throwing gravity defying confetti into the air every time the lights came on. So of course, I'm trying to figure out how the effect was done when a piece of the "confetti" starts falling to earth... and swoops back up into the air on leathery wings while making a high pitched squeal. I transitioned from awe at human technological prowess to awe at nature, there were literally thousands of bats flying in completely random patterns gorging themselves on mosquitoes.
Which is good because for as long as I can remember I have had a insect phobia...

When I was probably about 4 years old, before being exposed to the myriad accents (southern, hick, hillbilly and country) of Riverdale elementary school I had an accent that is probably best described as foreign. So when I ran inside after having been sent to play outside for a few minutes and said, "mummy, the flies are troubling me!" the combination of my pathos and the quasi english accent kept everyone in stitches for hours... so much so that this story was repeated at least twice a year till I left for college.
What stayed with me after college is my completely irrational doscomfort whenever a fly, bee, mosquito, dragonfly, moth, or any other six-legged flying object comes into my personal space (read: anywhere within the 50 feet of me).


Dat yehudit as mentioned in a mishna in kesubos clearly only refers to women... so what are are the halachik grounds for community dress standards for me?

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