Shabbos "songs" #4

I often wonder why stupid rumors like Barack Obama's Islamic terrorist connections or dumb email/medical stories last so long within the frum community. The simple answer is that the "mental ghettoization" that the frum world lives in doesn't provide refutations or answers to things that are obvious to those ourside our bekishe'd walls.
I've heard people make emphatic B"H's when they realize that it will be hard to educate their children about aspects of "modern" (read: western) life... and I understand this emphasis to a degree. But I also wonder, in a time when Solevetchik style "modern orthodoxy" has been largely been replaced with laxity under the guise of a principled religious stance, how do we live kodesh lives within a non-kodesh world and still take part it in?

Anyway, more on the echo chamber:
On The Media - The Pleasure Principle
