Unexpected Upsides
When I was a kid I was obsessed with all things mechanical, whether it was a plane, train, or automobile I loved it. So during today's IAF flyovers I stood on the roof of my yeshiva (B"H they flew over during our lunch break) and turned into my 8 year old self at an air show. I think I actually jumped into the air and whooped. The best part is that I think I still "have it". First were F-15s, then a TON of F-16s, Gulfstreams flanked by more F-16s and to top it all of a 707 tanker with F-16s flying in a simulated refueling run. Wow, I'm a dork ;)
On daf 35: in Brachos Rava says to his students, "During the months of Nisan and tishrei do not come before me (ie: don't show up in the beis medrish). In order that you won't be preoccupied during the rest of the year." Rashi explains that during those months grapes were harvested and crushed and olives were pressed providing work for the talmidim. Besides being a cute source for bein hazemanim, it also demonstrates that working is an old Jewish concept upheld by even the most holy among us (this post here got me all upset).
Rav. Yonasan Shteif z"l said this about this suggiah:
After 6 years of learning 10 months and then working for two months, chaval, the talmidim would have spent an entire 12 months not learning... So it's a wonderful coincidence that that at the end of this 6 year cycle they were free to spend an entire year "resting" by learning full time during the shmittah year.
Anyway it's all about balance...